Okay! Facebook. Is. Officially. Ridiculous.
Well, more like this computer class is. I hate to be the whiny girl but when I write I can't stop myself and I have to let it all out. And these computer class assignments are, I'm truly sorry to say, not getting any funner. We saw a video on YOUTUBE about the 25 things a kid hates about facebook. Now He has asked us to to write a blog post on, not only the 25 hings we hate, but
also on the 25 things we love! YAY!
Here is the list of the 25 things I hate:
1. In-boxes from people who're not your facebook friends saying "What's your name? We should meet" Creeps!
2. A massive amount of Farmville gift requests, especially after I announced that I quit Farmville.
3. Farmville and all other useless games that suck time out of you faster than a black hole.
4. Friend requests from "nacos". Especially unknown "nacos".
5. Chain In-boxes! GOD!
6. Comments that say the Shadow lady died in 1998 and is coming to get you if you don't post this in at least five other places.
7. People who ALWAYS have new statuses that say stuff like "hahaha".
8. Group invitations. If I was -
that willing to join a certain group I'd be capable of searching for it in the browser. And what makes you think I play an instrument?
9. Tags in bad pictures.
10. The fact that if I comment of something, Facebook notifications will haunt me forever. Especially about whoever person comments something EXACTLY the same after I commented.
11. Wall posts where people want me to "take a test and compare results!"
12. Ads. If I wanted it, I'd be perfectly capable of getting it myself and No, Thankyou, I don't want to meet foreign beauties.
13. Facebook Chat. It can be so stressing.
14. The new homepage. It has everything but it's overwhelming.
15. Fan pages of "OMG CHECK THIS OUT!"
16. Gifts! umm.. thanks?
17. Relationships. We don't care if it's complicated, and instead of wasting time in Facebook get out there and fix it!
18. Facebook cash and things like that. I don't wanna be a e-billionaire.

20. Cheap Writing
21. Impersonators. OMG! Justin Beiber wants to befriend me. Is this really happening? :O
22. Jesus' profile and other religious stuff. I love God but really?
23. The color blue of facebook. It's ugly.
24. Myspace posts.
25. Metroflog people in facebook.
25 things I LOVE!
1. Friends
2. Siblings
3. Pictures
4. Walls
5. True Inboxes
6. Happy Birthday comments
7. Cool Statuses
8. Random Videos
9. Chatting with people I heart
10. Connecting with long lost but loved friends
12. Liking stuff and not Hating
13. Jokes
14. Actually funny groups
15. Groups you can relate to like "Mom, you don't answer the phone and I could be dying!"
16. It's entertaining
17. Tetris
19. There's always something new
18. You're never really alone, even if you're trapped on rain in a boring place.
20. It reminds you birthdays
21. You can see who else is attending an event
22. Notifications on who sees YOUR stuff
23. You can tag your friends on cool pictures
24. You can see what your favorite celebrity is up to.
25. Nice comments on bad days.